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Flag of Austria

Holiday Traditions of Austria

"Frohliche Weihnachton"

Christmas in Austria is a cherished time of year, filled with centuries-old traditions that blend religious customs, folklore, and family celebrations. It is considered the most significant holiday in the country, celebrated with reverence, joy, and a deep connection to heritage.

Saint Nicholas and Knecht Ruprecht – December 6th

The holiday season in Austria officially begins on December 6th, known as Nikolaustag (Saint Nicholas Day). Saint Nicholas, dressed in a splendid bishop’s robe, makes his way through towns and villages, accompanied by his mischievous helper, Knecht Ruprecht. While Saint Nicholas hands out sweets, fruits, and small gifts to well-behaved children, Knecht Ruprecht—depicted as a dark, menacing figure—carries a bundle of golden birch rods. He playfully threatens to use them on "little sinners," serving as a reminder for children to be good throughout the year. This tradition is eagerly awaited by children and marks the start of the festive season.

Quiet Traditions of Christmas Eve – December 24th

On December 24th, the bustling city centers are filled with last-minute shoppers, while the countryside is steeped in calm and quiet traditions. In rural areas, farmers chalk the initials of the Three Wise Men—C for Caspar, M for Melchior, and B for Balthazar—on the stable doors to protect their herds from sickness in the coming year.

In many villages, groups of “shelter-seekers” roam from farm to farm, re-enacting the biblical story of Mary and Joseph as they searched for a place to stay on the night of Christ’s birth. This tradition, called Herbergsuche, is a reminder of the spirit of hospitality and community that underpins the season.

In the snow-covered Alps, families descend from their mountain homes to the valley below, carrying torches that illuminate the dark winter night. Carolers gather in church towers and village squares, singing hymns that resonate through the crisp air, guiding everyone to midnight mass. The entire country comes to a standstill on this holy night, as all shops, theaters, and concert halls close their doors, ensuring this evening is spent exclusively with loved ones.

Christmas Eve Dinner and Family Gatherings

After attending church services, families return home to continue their celebrations. The traditional Christmas Eve dinner often includes Gebackener Karpfen (fried carp) as the main course, a nod to Austria’s Catholic roots where fish is a staple during this season. Dessert typically features the famous Sachertorte, a rich chocolate and apricot cake, and a variety of homemade Austrian Christmas cookies known as Weihnachtsbäckerei.

The Christmas Tree and the “Kristkindl”

One of the most magical moments for Austrian children occurs when a bell rings, signaling the opening of a door that has been locked throughout the evening. For the first time, children are allowed to see the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, adorned with twinkling lights, gold and silver garlands, candies, and cookies. Beneath the tree, an intricate nativity scene is arranged, with hand-carved figures passed down through generations.

In Austria, the bearer of gifts is not Santa Claus but the Kristkindl, a golden-haired child with angelic wings who symbolizes the newborn Christ. Children are told that the Christ Child descends from heaven on Christmas Eve with a host of angels to decorate the Christmas tree and distribute presents. After admiring the tree, families gather to sing beloved Christmas carols such as "Stille Nacht" (Silent Night) and "O Tannenbaum."

The Advent Wreath – A Symbol of Light and Hope

A distinctive feature of Austrian Christmas traditions is the Advent wreath, made of various types of evergreen branches and adorned with ribbons, ornaments, and other festive decorations. Four candles are affixed to the wreath, each representing one of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. On the first Sunday, the first candle is lit; on the second Sunday, the second candle is lit; and so on, until all four candles are glowing brightly on Christmas Day, symbolizing light and hope during the darkest days of the year.

The Special Day of “Dreikönigstag” – January 6th

The Christmas season in Austria extends beyond December 25th and concludes on January 6th, known as Dreikönigstag (Epiphany or Three Kings’ Day). This day commemorates the journey of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. On this day, children dress up as the Three Kings and go from house to house, singing carols and blessing homes with chalk inscriptions—an act that brings good fortune and health to families for the year ahead.

A Season of Reflection and Celebration

Christmas in Austria is a time for family, faith, and reflection. It’s a season rich with traditions that embody the spirit of giving, warmth, and community. From the ringing of church bells in the Alps to the glow of Advent candles, Austrians celebrate the holiday season with a deep sense of history and togetherness, making it one of the most enchanting times of the year.

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Holiday Tradition in Austria

Video by Expert Village


Gebackener Karpfen (Fried Carp)

3 - 3 ½ lb.s carp fillet
Bread crumbs
2 eggs, beaten
¼ lb. shortening (not butter)
1 lemon, sliced

Wash fish fillet and cut into serving slices. Sprinkle with sale and let stand for 1 hour. Put bread crumbs, flour, and beaten eggs in three separate dishes. Roll each slice of fish first in flour, then eggs, then bread crumbs. Fry slices on both sides in shortening until golden brown. Arrange slices on a hot platter and garnish with lemon.

Sachertorte (Chocolate and Apricot Cake)

1 cup butter
8 egg yolks
6 oz. cooking chocolate
1 cup confectioner's sugar
10 egg whites
1 cup flour
4 tablespoons apricot jam

Cream butter. Melt chocolate in a double boiler. Add gradually to creamed butter melted chocolate, sugar , and the egg yolks, one by one, stirring constantly. Add flour and a dash of vanilla and beat well. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into batter. Pour mixture into a well-greased 10-inch mold. Bake at 300 degrees F. for about 1 hour. Let cool and turn out of mold. Split and spread heated and slightly diluted apricot jam over the lower half of the cake. Replace top and brush with apricot jam and cover with chocolate frosting. (Recipe below.)

Chocolate Frosting

1 cup sugar
7 ox. cooking chocolate
1 cup water

Boil sugar and water until sugar is completely dissolved. Melt the chocolate separately in a double boiler. Add sugar syrup gradually to chocolate, stirring constantly. When cooled, frost the cake.

Weihnachtsbaeckerei (Christmas cookies)

4 ½ cups flour
1 ½ cups sugar
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup milk
1 egg yolk
5 eggs
3 tsp. baking powder
1 ½ tsp. vanilla
1 ½ cups butter

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt onto a board. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla, and milk to butter and sugar. Mix lightly. Pour the moist ingredients into a depression in the flour and work ingredients into a dough with a knife. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Roll out and cut into desired shapes with cookie cutter. Place on a greased baking sheet and brush with egg yolk.

Bake in a moderate oven, at 300-350, until golden brown.